So, where have I been this week? Check it out (only the best for you my readers):
- A new study shows that too much thinking can make you fat.
- Check out this hot new releases calendar for 2009.
- Sexually confused? Plug your URL into the Gender Analyzer and find out whether your blog is written by a man or a woman or check out my stats.
- The plus side of the economic recession: libraries across the country are getting more patrons! On the down side libraries are looking at budget cuts just like everyone else. Read the excellent article from the San Francisco Chronicle or (CAUTION: SHAMELESS SELF-PROMOTION AHEAD) check out my less impressive article (I've been freelancing during my Winter Break).
- Can't get enough of my reviews? Don't have an indie bookstore to turn to for great recommendations? Check out the Indie Next List, where Indie booksellers offer their advice online, or see my original post about Independent Bookstores: Indies vs Amazon.
- If you haven't yet, don't forget to enter my giveaway for The Time Traveler's Wife.
Currently Reading:
- Shadow of the Silk Road by Colin Thubron--so far so good, this is my first attempt at travel literature
- Gilgamesh translated by Stephen Mitchell--actually, I just finished the introductory material. The actual poem doesn't start until pg 69
- Dispatches from the Edge by Anderson Cooper -- about 5 pages in I remember I don't really like memoirs. Although I did learn that Anderson's mother is none other than Gloria Vanderbilt! Well worth 5 pages of reading.
So where have you been this week? What are your reading?
Let me know, leave me a comment!
This is a fun idea. I've tagge you for the Shakespeare Meme. YOu can find it here...
I hope you enjoy tags. Feel free to ignore it if you don't.
I've been all over - my browser history just boggles my mind and also explains the multiplying dust bunnies.
I've been reading Mem Fox's Reading Magic (again), Two Tough Teddies and skimming some picture books I decided not to review. Too little time to review books I don't love.
Somehow, there is very little time for my adult reading. I did pick up Kathy Reichs' Bare Bones once or twice. Next week, I promise to open it.
I'm on winter break right now, which means I get to read whatever I want, but when I go back to school next week, my classes dictate most of my reading. It's hard to find time for it all :(
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